Quil Carter

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality

Keep Quil From Starving

Hey everyone,

Long post alert, but there's some good stuff at the end so bear with me.

I hope everyone is having a good November. Mine has been alright, but the last several months for me has been a bit stressful. Not just some medical issues that have gotten worse in the past few months, but other things (including Amazon trimming the KU pages and the Canadian dollar rising, ugh) which has been making it difficult for me to keep my head above water.

I've been on my own since I was 17 years old, living by myself most of the time with a boyfriend thrown in there at one point for good measure, and always I've found a way to survive. Either my side job was doing well, or writing was doing well. When the side job went to hell, my writing earnings floated me. But, well, that hasn't been happening over the last few months, and recent expenses like medical issues (even though good ol' Canada covers medical stuff, bussing it to a specialist a few towns over once a month is all on me) and just living expenses has me going in the deep red.

I want to keep writing full-time, but reality is catching up to me. I thought I was basically fucked since I'd never ask for handouts, but I found something called Patreon and it looks like I can give shit back, and I can get creative with it too, and I decided to say fuck it, put my pride aside and see if it'll work.

I'm not looking to fund an extravagant lifestyle. I don't drive, my place is probably the cheapest place in my town for what I'm getting, and I buy my clothes from the thrift store. I'm not looking to buy a new TV or pay for a trip to Europe. I'd cry tears of joy to just break even right about now. Hell, there's even a $1 tier there. I'll try and make it as rewarding as possible, and if you check it out, contributing can get you anything from me mailing you a thank you card, to a hand drawn drawing of your favourite Fallocaust/The Gods' Games/Silent Ground character done by me (Yes, I used to draw a lot, until writing stole my time lol). Eventually, I want to do signed book raffles, maybe even invest in Fallocaust t-shirts or something.

I also set up an Amazon wishlist which is just for household stuff from cat food to toilet paper. It's on my quilcarter website, the link I'll be posting below.

So, I've been putting off posting this for a few days since I just feel like crap doing it. I've been surviving one way or another for over a decade now and took pride in that. But I love my books, I love writing, and I want to keep being able to deliver the books the way that I do.


Have you read this far? Awesome! Because I also have an important announcement to make. I'm making an investment, another thing I'm hoping Patreon will help with, and that investment is in a good mic and mic stand, a desk, and some sound proof panels. Why?

Fallocaust is coming to audio book. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and now I think getting it done will also help my situation. I hate my voice, I think I sound like a 15 year old, but I know how to read my books, I know how each character is saying each thing, and I don't think there's anyone in the world who can read you The Fallocaust Series better than me. So, that's also something everyone can look forward to, and if you just want to kick a few dollars towards the equiptment needed (well, technically to pay back the credit card I used to buy this stuff) I would love you forever. After Fallocaust, The Gods' Games and Silent Ground will be next. Eventually I want everyone to be forced to listen to my weird boyish voice in order to have the series read to them.

Sorry for the huge post. I hope you all don't hate me for having to post this. I love you guys, and a chunk of you I consider my close friends, and you guys know how this medical stuff has been unravelling. I really want to keep bringing the books to you on the same schedule, and hopefully, I'll be able to pull it off.

Thanks for reading,


Keep Quil From Starving (with Amazon wishlist)http://www.quilcarter.com/help-quil/

Fallocaust Book 4 'A God Among Insects' update.

Hey Guys!


Just giving an update on Fallocaust Book 4 A God Among Insects. I'm in the final stretch now, with the book edging near 500,000 words. A lot has happened and a lot is still going to happen, but I'm excited to be approaching the end of the newest installment of The Fallocaust Series. It's been quite a ride, and so far I'm liking how the book has turned out and am looking forward to adding those last "Oh fuck!" moments before writing the final page. No release date yet, but I've been hard and work and am hoping to bring you book 4 soon.

You won't believe what Reaver, Killian, Jade, Elish and Reno are going to experience and go through in this book. There's a lot of character development in this book and I'm excited as fuck to see what everyone thinks about where these guys are going. Also, as mentioned before, there are new characters that I'm utterly in love with (one in particular), that I'm excited about releasing into the world.


Even though I've been busy with book 4, I'm still (slowly) working on Fallocaust Short Stories too. I don't think it'll be out before A God Among Insects like I hoped, but I'm still wanting to have it out soon after.


And next, once book 4 and Fallocaust Short Stories are out, it'll be onto book 2 of The Gods' Games. Now that one I'm psyched about getting to. I miss Ben, Teal, Malagant, and Anagin and Josiah too. It'll be hard to leave the Fallocaust world for a few months, but Elron is calling me.


I hope everyone had a good Halloween. I was able to get my traditional 50% off Halloween Candy which was wonderful lol. On the 'meh' side I also got a tooth pulled last Thursday so that sucked and has been painful but I'm surviving lol. And next week is my birthday too! Whoo. We're getting another one of those bakery cakes like I did with Silent Ground's release. God damn that was good cake.

Silent Ground Part 2 is in print + A God Among Insects (Fallocaust Book 4) update

Silent Ground Part 2 is now in print!

The physical book turned out AMAZING! It looks awesome. My favourite colour combination is red and black so this was right up my alley.

Silent Ground is completely out now, it's gone from my hands and my head into yours. I've been hearing some amazing feedback on it, which just puts me on cloud 9.

Here is a link to the createspace page for it (feel free to like it), and it'll be available on Amazon soon since I approved it yesterday. Also, thanks so much to Christina for doing the formatting for the cover, and doing the back cover and spine as well. I don't know what I would do without her!


And in other news...

A God Among Insects Volume 1 is going to be done very soon. I still have no god damn idea how I'm going to make volume 1 under 330,000 words, but as I said before, that's Future Quil's problem! Everyone keeps saying they wouldn't mind a three volume book, and that just might end up being reality lol. We'll see, this book is already looking like it may trump The Suicide King, but I never plan the length so I can't know for sure. I'm writing this really deliciously fucked up part though, let's say certain main characters are going to be doing some entirely fucked up things.

Actually, now that I think of it, all the main characters are in the middle of doing some rather fucked up things...

Silent Ground Part 2 is live!

Silent Ground Part 2 is live everyone!

It's all done! It's finally done and my newest baby is out of my hands and into the hands and heads of my readers. I hope everyone enjoys the conclusion of this fucked up, twisted book; I sure did love writing it (well, most of th time. Sometimes I just want to rip my hair out lol). Now it's full steam ahead on Fallocaust book 4, which I'm working on every day, and of course, Fallocaust Short stories.

What are you doing still here? Go and read!


The blurb:

At one point in time, Sasha thought that just being told he wasn’t crazy would be good enough for him. After years of thinking he was losing his mind, being understood and accepted seemed like a pipe dream. But now, Sasha’s living with two men with abilities like him, Kheva and Kel Swift, two men who know what he’s going through. However, this lakeside house is no vacation. Sasha is being abused and tortured in the worst way, and the only reason he’s been given as to why, is that it’s supposedly growing his powers.

Powers that are now responsible for killing someone like them, another nightcrawler.

This is madness, all of this is madness. Revenge is sweet, but murder? Sasha is beginning to realize he’s been brought into something that far outreaches the insanity he had signed up for.

And Rob. What about Rob? While Sasha is being trained by Kheva, Rob is the voice in the back of his head urging Sasha to free him. But there’s something about Rob that Sasha is uncomfortable with, and he starts suspecting that there might be more to this story than he’s been told.

And back home, Lex and Jobe have teamed up with Ian Lariat, a private investigator, and Ian’s younger brother Nate. Nate once had close ties to Kel, and is just as determined as Jobe and Lex to bring their loved ones home where they belong. But determination can only go so far, and they will soon learn that nothing good comes from messing with Kheva, or who Kheva has deemed his property.

Silent Ground Part 1 physical copy out.

Hey guys!

Silent Ground Part 1 is now available in paperback! I'm really in love with how it turned out, and as always, mad credit goes to my friend Christina for doing the cover jacket! She always makes these back covers look amazing. I'm lucky as hell to have her. I'm not sure if Silent Ground Part 1's physical book is linked to Amazon yet, if, not it will be tomorrow at the latest most likely. It is currently on createspace though.

Like announced yesterday, part 2 is right around the corner too, only 8 more days. That will conclude Silent Ground and the next book you'll see from me will either be Fallocaust Short Stories or Fallocaust book 4 'A God Among Insects'. A God Among Insects is going great. We're at 230,000 words currently. As usual, I have no idea how big this book is going to be, but considering I still feel like I just started it, we're definitely looking at The Suicide King size (which ended up being over 560,000 words). Maybe we'll reach 600k? Or maybe Rosa will get her wish and we'll finally be in three volume territory lol. I'm really loving writing AGAI, a lot of scenes that I have been seeing perfectly in my head are now down on paper and I couldn't be happier with them, and one character particularly that I've been dying to write, is turning out just as fucked up and hilariously crazy as I was hoping he would. I know you guys will love this book, and as always, I am writing as fast as I can lol.

But until book 4 comes out, you have Silent Ground to keep you occupied!


Silent Ground Part 2 is coming!

Silent Ground Part 2 coming next week! Friday July 21st.

The conclusion is coming! No pre-order this time, since it's only a week away, it'll be available on Amazon next Friday, whenever Amazon decides to approve the manuscript lol usually takes like 12 hours from me submitting it, but because of that I can't narrow down time.

So, here it is, the grisly, fucked up conclusion to Silent Ground. I hope everyone is enjoying the book so far, I loved writing it and loved finally giving Sasha, Kheva, and Kel a voice. I've never been good at ending a book, I'm much more comfortable with series since I don't need to let go then (at least not for a long while). So, probably in the future there may be a prequel of some kind, since I'm much too attached to some of these characters lol. Typical Quil just can't fucking let go, which is probably why I made so many of Fallocaust's characters immortal.

Also, look for an announcement tomorrow for the physical edition of Silent Ground, it's coming too!


Silent Ground Part 1 is Live!

Silent Ground Part 1 is LIVE!


It's out, it's released, it's out of my clingy, control freak hands and now into yours. These characters I created when I was nothing but a screwed up teenager newly living on his own with only dial-up internet and a crappy old desktop to keep him company, has been gussied up and polished, and is finally ready to see the world.


Before Fallocaust, I'd 'written' or at least partially written, three books, The Gods' Games, Silent Ground, and a book called DN Die starring twins named Sky and Perish (after realizing I'd most likely never finish that book, I decided to transfer them to Fallocaust. I wanted those guys to be seen still). Each one of those books explored a different side of me, and it has been an interesting and fascinating road re-writing TGG and SG to make them good, solid books. This is it though, unless I go insane and decide to rewrite DN Die (Oh god, dont let me do that... it is pretty damn interesting though) this is it for my 'pre-Fallocaust' books. Which is good in a way, since I have way too many great ideas for future books!


I hope that everyone enjoys Silent Ground as much as I loved writing it. It was a trip being able to go back into my head and dig up all the ideas I had for this book. If there's one piece of advice I could give for this book, it is to read it carefully.You might pick up on some rather interesting things if you watch out for them.


So there it is, Silent Ground Part 1 is out. Like I've previously said, part 2 is weeks away, not months. It's pretty much all done, and the cover is done too. I'm now working on book 4 of Fallocaust, and hope you all will join me there soon.


Happy Reading!


Purchase here! Also available for free if you have KU. KU is my friend since I make such large books, so feel more than welcome to read it on there. I do end up making more money lol (which means I can stay home and write more books!)

Silent Ground Part 1 is coming June 30th

It's time, everyone!

Time to get ready for a new Quil book, Silent Ground Part 1 is finally here and available for pre-order! And you're not going to have to wait long for it either. Even better? You're also not going to have to wait that long for part 2. The first installment is going to be available June 30th 2017 (ignore the release date it says currently, I was tired and selected the wrong damn month)

The very first fucked up book I ever made. Like The Gods' Games, this one is rooted to my teenage years. I always called it 'Fallocaust's grandfather' because without Silent Ground, I would've never had the balls to write Fallocaust how I wanted to write it.
Like The Gods' Games, it's been completely re-written to match my writing skills now (one that is actually legible), and is ready to be read, devoured, and hopefully ready to give everyone reading it nightmares. It's currently listed under gay/thriller since Amazon gives you two options for genres, but I'll be contacting Amazon (again) to try and add psychological to the thriller genre option. It's no fair I have to have one of my genres be 'gay' by default, dammit! But that's a rant for another time.

So, here it is, Silent Ground Part 1.

The blurb.

Sasha’s crazy. He knows he’s crazy, his uncle and best friend both know he’s crazy, and for a long time, they’d accepted it and loved him anyway.
But now, now things are changing. Sasha’s migranes are getting worse, there’s a voice inside of his head that keeps demeaning him, and for some screwed up reason, the only thing that cures these migranes, is Sasha’s own damn blood––which he has to resort to masochism to extract.

This is not okay; this is quickly becoming not okay and Sasha doesn’t know what the hell he’s supposed to do. What’s happening to him? And how much longer can Sasha’s uncle and best friend deal with it before they just give up on their mentally-disturbed loved one for good?

And that’s not even the worst of it. Oh no, not in the least. There are people after Sasha, two men wearing black cloaks. They attacked him on a dark road, and now these two are telling Sasha that he’s a nightcrawler like them… and it’s time to come home.

The leader calls himself Kheva, but to Sasha, he’s Master.
The second is called Kel, but to Sasha, he’s brother.
And who is Sasha? He’s a nightcrawler like them… but until he earns his place… he’s merely their unwilling slave.



Silent Ground Part 1 Done Medium.jpg

Fallocaust book 4 'A God Among Insects' Excerpt

It's time! To celebrate me reaching 100k on A God Among Insects (105k now) I'm releasing a portion of the first chapter rough draft of book 4. Obviously don't go near this if you haven't caught up with all of the books since you'll find spoilers galor (hey, that rhymes).

Hope everyone enjoys this first chapter. I know I need to go back to Silent Ground but I'm pretty much Drake with candy right now. I'm clinging to it and crying whenever I try to pull myself away. Silent Ground will be coming soon though, I just, ya know, kinda am loving this book.

Enjoy and happy reading, you'll find the excerpt in the main cluster of links 'Book 4 Excerpt' or just click this link. Or if you want to read it in a more prettier setting, here is a dropbox link.


Quil Carter

Garden of Spiders Volume 2 is out and live!

Garden of Spiders Volume 2 is out and live! Which means the next Fallocaust book I will be writing will be book 4. I hope everyone is warm wherever they are, and of course, reading. Happy Holidays, guys! I can now fully say goodbye to the cold, yet kinda hot, clutches of Elish and continue working on my newest project Silent Ground.

Happy reading!! The physical book of Garden of Spiders Volume 2 should be out soon too.


Garden of Spiders Volume 2 is coming!

The time is nigh! Garden of Spiders Volume 2 will be released December 20th. Pre-orders also available now.

After many many months, and many more months editing and rewriting, it's finally fucking finished. A Word document that has been on my laptop for so long is now closed, and it's onward to the next project!


The Dekker family is enjoying the longest stretch of calm they’ve had in years. But at what cost? Elish is a veritable slave with no will of his own, and although his siblings and his sengil wish for the old Elish to return, the man in question is adamant that he’s happier this way. Even though Silas treats him like a dog, mental slavery is better than depression and eventual suicide, right?

However, it seems that Elish may soon not have a choice. Forces outside of the family are hard at work, and someone from Elish’s distant past is determined to turn him into the man he once was.

No matter the consequences.


Garden of Spiders is now live!

It's out! Well, most of you know that already, but it's fucking out! After months and months, finally volume 1 gets pried from my clingy grasp and put into your awaiting hands. This book took a hell of a lot longer than I'd planned, mostly because it ended up being a hell of a lot bigger than I'd planned! My very first two volume companion book, and like I've said previously, I'm still going to have to do Garden of Spiders 2 to properly finish the last big chunk of Elish's life. 

But volume 1 is finally here, and I hope you all enjoy reading Elish's story just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Elish's mind is anything but simple, and the man we all know and love, wasn't born making people tremble at the mere presence of him. Elish started out as a boy who loved his master dearly, and it is through the events of this book that you see just what happened to that sweet child to make him the cold chimera he is today. Prepare to cry, laugh, hate me, and love me, and probably all four at once during some scenes. But most of all, prepare to be welcomed back to the Fallocaust.

It's good to be home!


Garden of Spiders Volume 1 is coming!

Garden of Spiders Volume 1 is coming October 31st 2016

When you look at a man’s past, who he is makes sense. Things previously shrouded become clear, and the airs of mystery that once clung so tightly to him, begin to fade away until all that is left is the being he hid like a dark secret.

Elish’s beginnings did not start out with a bang, but inside of a peaceful home far from the savage realities of the greywastes. But like all things in the Fallocaust, the peace didn’t last. One can be sheltered from the monsters of the dead world, but you can never escape the demon who hides under the mask of a smiling king.

Because in the end, reality is a beast that cares not for the perfect images it shatters, or the world it devours piece by piece. But reality can also strengthen, it can light you on fire, burn you to cinders, and then watch proudly as the phoenix rises from the ashes, stronger than it ever was before.

However, underneath each feather there is a scar, and though blood pumps hot through his veins, it is from a heart cold and closed off.

But it didn’t start out that way, quite the opposite. 
And this is his story.

Pre-orders available here! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZ90PZC

Garden of Spiders is FINISHED!

IT'S FINISHED! I'm happy to announce Garden of Spiders is finished. Now onto the part that makes me pull out my hair in chunks... the editing!

This book was definitely something else. It ended up being a lot larger than I thought it would be and will be the first two volume companion book. I suppose knowing Elish this is no surprise that he would demand a bigger book, and it's also no surprise that I will have to do a Garden of Spiders 2 like I had said previously. GoS2 will deal with the later half of Elish's life, something I unfortunately wasn't able to get to in book 1, but that's in the way off future.

So it's coming! How it usually works is once I'm done my editing and my beta readers are well into it, I'll be making the release date announcement with the preorder up and the cover reveal. I have a cover I might like, but I also might make a few other ones until I come across one I really like.

So sit tight, guys, Elish is coming. I'll be working even harder now for the next month getting this book up to snuff and making it everything I always dreamed it will be. Editing is so much more stressfull than writing; I'm putting bets on at least two mental breakdowns before volume 2's release.

Now I get to celebrate with cheesecake, as is tradition.

Garden of Spiders is coming!

Man, Garden of Spiders is 437,000 words currently. The only book bigger than this one is The Suicide King. If this isn't a testiment to Elish's demanding personality, I don't know what is lol. But I have good news, there was a puzzle I have been trying to figure out, a puzzle that if I didn't figure it out, it would've probably taken me another month to finish this book. But i did it! I managed to come up with an idea that I think will work, and thus I'll be able to avoid a story ark I didn't really want to write anyway. So with that in mind, I think this book will be finished within the next two weeks, maybe less. After that, it'll be a couple weeks editing, and I'll be able to pass it along to whatever beta readers I can round up. I also already have the covers planned out (which is quite a relief, it's usully not the case). So I think within the month, maybe a month and a bit... we'll have the announcement and release date for Garden of Spiders Volume 1.

I'm really excited about this book. Elish is such a dynamic character, so complex and complicated. Volume 1 will be about Elish as a child and as a teenager, figuring out how to survive having King Silas as a master, and also dealing with his own internal issues (which have stemmed from... well... having King Silas as a master lol). You'll get to see the cold chimera in a way you've never seen him before, and will be able to walk beside Elish on the long journey of him becoming the man we all know and love today. By the end of this book, it'll be clear why he is the way he is, and his feelings about Silas will make even more sense.

That being said though, there will be a Garden of Spiders 2. I'm not going to be able to cover everything I wanted to cover in Garden of Spiders v1 and v2. I had dreams of being able to have the end of Garden of Spiders have Jade in it, and a bit of Elish's side during the events of Breaking Jade, but unfortunately this book is already massive and he's still nowhere near done telling his story. I'm not sure when GoS2 will start, whether it'll be a future companion book or what (I also have plans for a Severing Sanguine 2 since like GoS I didn't get everything I wanted done with Sangy's story either). So once again, I have the opposite of writer's block, I've said this before and I'll say it again... I really gotta clone myself.

So sit tight, guys, it's coming!! I'm near the end, it's in sight, and soon Elish will release me from his cold clutches so I can finish that other stand-alone book I had previously been working on (before Elish ordered me to start his book). The stand-alone book (formerly called A God Among Insects but not anymore, I'll get into that later) will follow GoS sooner rather than later, there won't be another 7 month wait for the next book release, that book already has a lot of it written, so it won't be too too long.

I also wanted to put up a link for a Fallocaust Tumblr page that several of my awesome readers created. Check it out, it's really well done and I quite love it.

That's it! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I melt in the heat, I miss my winter and my darkness!

Garden of Spiders excerpt

Hello Everyone!

As promised on my facebook, here is the first two chapters of Garden of Spiders the book I'm currently working on and Book 3's companion book. You can find it right on the main navigation area of my website under 'Garden of Spiders Excerpt' it'll be up until the book's release.

I'm really enjoying writing this book. Elish is such a complex character and he has so many things going on in his head. It's been challenging to live inside of his mind, and seeing the intricate and complicated relationship he has, and has had, with Silas since the beginning. Elish is a complicated duck to say the least, but just like all of my characters, he has a reason for being who he is. I'm looking forward to sharing this book with the world, and offering some insight on one of Fallocaust's most dynamic and powerful characters.


Happy reading!

The Suicide King Volume 2 is live!

As most of you know but I still need to make the fancy announcement anyway, Volume 2 is out! The conclusion to The Suicide King, Book 3 of The Fallocaust Series is live and available for your sadistic reading pleasure.

Enjoy everyone! It's many months until Garden of Spiders and even more until I start Book 4. So eat slowly! And also, we're already #1 in the lgbt science fiction and our overall ranking keeps climbing! So thank you once again, all my awesome readers, for making this possible.

