Quil Carter

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality

A God Among Insects Vol 3 physical book is now available!

Hey everyone!

The physical book of A God Among Insects Volume 3 is now available on Amazon! It looks amazing, and as usual, I have Christina to thank for formatting the outside of it, making it look all pretty, and creating the back cover as well which turned out awesome. The inside of it was formatted by Jon, that has been his job since book 2 and I'm very thankful he does it because I ripped out my hair doing it for Fallocaust and Breaking Jade.

This damn physical book took longer than expected too, but Amazon is to blame for that. As any other author who uses createspace knows, Amazon decided to absorb createspace like the giant gelatinous creature it is, which changed a lot of things when it comes to creating the physical books. One of the most annoying, is that it now sends it super ass slow! So I literally had to wait two weeks for the damn book to arrive.
And also lovely... is that instead of having a nice single page at the very back that says 'Proof' when ordering a proof, as you can see, to prevent people (like me) from ordering a bunch of these so I can send them off to some of my betas, they slap 'NOT FOR RESALE' right on the cover, the spine, and back cover. 
But it's here and looks beautiful (besides the watermark), and I can finally fulfill my dream of seeing all three of these books stacked together.
And oh god its something... I can't believe I wrote all of that, but those grey hairs and mental breakdowns were worth it lol.

Right now, I'm currently working on The Gods' Games Book 2 BUT because I've been wanting badly to get it out for a year now, I'm also back to work on Fallocaust Short Stories. I just finished the Leo and Greyson one I stopped halfway through last year, so I officially have 4 of them done, and my main goal was to have 10 short stories in total before I publish. This will be the first of a few short story books, and this one is going to be called Fallocaust Short Stories: Nothing Bad Happens I Promise. It's going to be full of funny, cute, happy stories featuring all your favourite characters, and like the title suggests, nothing bad will happen. It'll be a good read for when you just read something heartbreaking or traumatizing and need an injection of humour and cuteness. So though TGG 2 is well on its way, if you're going to get technical, the short stories will be my next release.

So, that's what I've been up to when it comes to the books. I've been enjoying writing about my elves in The Gods' Games, but it has also been nice being back in the Fallocaust, and also great being able to give some of the secondary characters their moments in the spotlight.

I hope everyone is having a good November. I'm going to be celebrating a birthday next week, so ice cream, chinese food, and Fallout 76 is currently in my future.