Quil Carter

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality

Garden of Spiders 2 Vol. 1: House of Flies cover reveal!

Garden of Spiders 2 Vol. 1: House of Flies

COVER REVEAL! GOS 2 Vol. 1 is now in editing mode. No release day yet, but it's on its way!

Garden of Spiders 2: House of Flies starts 6 years after the events of Severing Sanguine. Elish is doing just fine (he thanks you for asking) and Skyfall is enjoying an extended period of peace. Sanguine on the other hand isn't doing too well. He's still not over the death of Valen and is harbouring a massive amount of resentment against King Silas and the majority of the family. Elish doesn't care however, he's too busy being in love with Silas, dealing with the oddest sengil to date, and becoming obsessively engrossed in the Beast Island Games, a brutal and sadistic televised reality competition created by Silas that has a certain contestant that Elish is entirely not interested in (and he'd thank you to stop asking). Even with all of that though, it's peaceful, just family drama, and certainly that's what it'll remain as.