Quil Carter

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality

Garden of Spiders 2 Vol. 1 cover reveal tomorrow!

Okay! Sorry for the bit of the delay, but cover reveal for Garden of Spiders 2 Vol. 1 tomorrow!! Get that hype on!! I’ll be putting it on this website and also my other social media platforms too.

I have been really loving writing the prologue for GOS 2 also, since it's my first time writing after the planned Book 5 time jump. I'm not suuuuure if it'll be able to be used as a prologue, it might just end up as a sort of a 'book 5 prep' but if it does go in that direction, I'm still planning on releasing it to everyone as a sort of "Biggest Cock Tease in Cock Tease History' since it'll be giving everyone a first look into this new world. But I am hoping to be able to make it into a prologue, I just might need to either slightly retcon the epilogue of GOS 1 or think of some other way to tie it into GOS 2 lol. I'll figure it out.

But in the meantime, tomorrow cover reveal!

Also, since I haven't plugged them in a while. I have a Patreon! So if you want to help support me and get some cool stuff in return (everything from a thank you card, to free merch, to custom drawings done by me of whatever character you like, to t-shirts, and book raffles). I also will probably release the prologue a few days earlier on there too, and in the past, have given out previous books days earlier than their release too. So, sign up! Pledges start at like a buck! https://www.patreon.com/quilcarter

And I have an Amazon Wishlist too!! It includes essential stuff like cat food and toilet paper and all that fun stuff, and gift stuff too. This helps me SO MUCH! So buy your favourite author some toilet paper today. Wear it like a weird, weird badge of honour. https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/3MUQBO6W0YMM2... and some other links to help me not die! https://www.quilcarter.com/help-quil

I also have a twitch! I usually stream weekly and you can come and hang out with me and my little twitch family. I play Dead by Daylight, Wheel of Fortune (a fan favourite) other horror games, Death Stranding, and have past videos of me playing Undertale (I do the voices and gush over how much I love Sans), Resident Evil, Until Dawn, and much more! https://www.twitch.tv/fallocaust