Quil Carter

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality

New FalloShop Merch Available!

New FalloShop merch!

Yep, we got some new stuff in the FalloShop! http://www.quilcarter.com/the-falloshop

I had been receiving requests for The Gods' Games merch and I finally got some made! Now in stock, a The Mirror Prophecies bookmark, one side being TMP Vol. 1's cover and the other is Vol. 2's, and I also got magnets made of both covers also, and a new sticker which is of A God Among Insects Vol. 3's cover!

And we now have FalloShop gift cards! So you can buy a gift card for the FalloShop and give it to any of your fellow FalloCultists or fans in general. The gift card is called Quil Bucks lol.

I also had an idea that I was thinking of pulling the trigger on. Over the years I have accumulated a bunch of physical books in my home that are lovely but they either have an older cover jacket, the cover image is too dark or the text is a bit different or there's some sort of mistake, or they have more editing mistakes than the newer ones due to them just being older versions, or have been personally used by me so they're a bit beat up, basically... they're what I'll be calling "Broken but I Can Still Make You Happy" books lol. I can't bear to throw these guys out, so I was thinking of making them into an appealing sort of collector's edition and putting them up for sale. Basically, I'd have some fun with my drawing and colouring skills and draw some characters in the title page inside, maybe write a few notes in them or comments, sign them too of course, just customize them a bit. These guys won't be cheap, mainly because it costs like 30 bucks alone for shipping to mail them to the US (Europe's cost is even scarier lol) and then we have the book costs to add to that, but you'll get a one of a kind book, drawn in and signed by me, and I'd get to give an old book a good home and free up some space in my house. Anyone interested in something like that? I'd basically put them up for sale

And that's it for the news! I hope everyone is having a good Monday so far.