Quil Carter

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality

Fallocaust Short Stories: Nothing Bad Happens I Promise is Coming!

It's coming!

The Fallocaust Short Stories: Nothing Bad Happens I Promise, is going to be released June 14th. It is now available for pre-order as well: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QM6RQ3V. It contains 11 short stories about all your favourite characters (maybe a couple more depending on how it goes).

The Blurb:

Have you just read something heartbreaking in The Fallocaust Series? Did that evil author Quil rip your heart out and now you’re curled up in the fetal position eating Cheetos and plotting his death? Never fear! Fallocaust Short Stories: Nothing Bad Happens I Promise, is here to save you. This book contains a collection of short stories that are cute and funny (also a bit kinky at times), guaranteed to make you happy and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The only tears that will be shed are ones of happiness, unless you drop your e-reader on your face but that’s not Quil’s fault, it’s yours – be more careful.

Some of the stories detail previously talked about events: like Reaver torturing Bridley, Leo and Greyson meeting for the first time, and how Luca got his cat ears; others are complete madness like ‘Backwards Land’ which takes place in a world where Killian is the greywaster living in Aras, and Reaver is the Skyfall boy whose parents are seeking the safety of the block. These short stories star all of your favourite characters doing all of your favourite things, and all that is missing is you.